Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Busy, busy, busy- many new projects

The last month has been a whirlwind of crocheting like a mad woman to get ready for Valentines and to complete some large orders!  Whew, I made it!  I had my first Facebook giveaway last week- the winner recieved a pair of skinny scarves!  Congratulations to Kris Hazen! :)

This is a photo heavy post, but it's got lots of goodies.

My first big order- 60 Mouse coasters

This is a GORGEOUS scarf pattern!  Infinity scarf w/ a button wrap-closure.  I love this pattern.  Made it with this soft, silky variegated yarn- I need to go buy more of this yarn!

  And again in this beautiful Yarn Bee Tender Touch yarn in red velvet- this is the SOFTEST yarn ever!  My most favorite yarn yet!  

A frog baby beanie  :)

My first crocheted bag- a market bag

 A BIG bag perfect for the beach, pool, or overnight trip in "Minnie" colors

Working on Easter gifts for my niece and her best friend.  This is my first ever crocheted poncho- beautiful "ocean" green color.  My niece's will be next in a beautiful spring blue!

I made this pretty prayer shawl for Hooked on Hope, a crocheters' group who sends handmade items like this, hats, scarves, prayer crosses, etc. to folks who are going through cancer treatment.  Used double strands of boucle yarn and it turned out so thick and soft! :)

 A pretty, purple cowl in a soft, silky yarn!
 Last, but definitely not least, my adorable niece modeling the ponytail holders I made for her!
I'm currently working on another big coaster order, my niece's shawl, some surprises for people I know & love, and custom order bags! :)  I'm looking to Spring and some lovely items I can make for you!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hats & Hair Ties

These are a few of last week's creations.

This is a cloche with side ties in a soft black yarn.
A beanie with two detachable flowers for my customer to interchange.

Another cloche- this one in chocolate with a new flower pattern for me- loved making this flower!

And for those with long hair and/or little girls- hair ties.  These I'm selling for $3 each or $10 for a set of 4.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

First Crochet Givewaway

I'm in a learning process- learning to crochet, learning to manage orders and how to best keep track of expenses and sales, learning how to manage my full-time job, part time job, family, gym, life, and all this crocheting fun. :)  

What I love to do most of all is to make people happy and give to others.  I've been looking for a reason to make pretty things and give them away. :)  Sooo... I made this lovely scarf duo for my first Bekaboo Creations givewaway!

Can you see how soft this yarn is?  Oh.  My.  Word.  This yarn... well, it's just simply soft and gorgeous.  I have quickly made this my favorite yarn.  I need to make myself something with it! :)  These two scarves are skinny scarves that can be worn separately or together!  I posted this giveaway on my Facebook fan page.  If you're not a Bekaboo Facebook fan, please look me up and "like" the page.  You get an entry for being a fan as well as for sharing or any purchases you make up until the giveaway.  When we reach 225 fans, I'll be doing a random drawing for this scarf set.  I'm also working up some other goodies to give away soon and hope to have some Valentines items up for sale too!

Details from the Facebook fan page:
Givewaway # 1 is read to go! 
smile emoticon This set of skinny shell scarves in "red velvet" & "shadow" (black) super soft Yarn Bee yarns!!! About 65" long these scarves are frilly, classy and fun! They could be worn separately or layered together. This is my first giveaway so I'm learning, but here's the rules for this round! When we reach 225 fans, I'll be shipping this set out to one fan. You get one entry for being a fan, one for sharing this on your page, and one for any purchase you make until the giveaway is done. If you've already purchased something from me this month, I've got you down in my books! smile emoticon Please like & comment below if you share so I can add your entry. MANY MANY THANKS for helping me grow!!!!smile emoticon Please like & comment below if you share so I can add your entry. MANY MANY THANKS for helping me grow!!!!

Hats, Scarves, Mickey & More

I teach a lovely group of first graders (my "Firsties") by day and hit the gym every afternoon/evening, but as I try to get this business going I am making time to work on orders and projects to try at least a few minutes each night.  These are a few of the things I have managed to whip out in the last two weeks.  I have fallen in love with crocheting! I am so glad I learned something new!!!  I LOVE learning!
another "flapper" style hat

 Mickey- inspired coasters- can be done in any color solid or combo for Minnie too :)

 I promised my firsties I'd make them all hats and let them sign up for the kind of hat they'd like.  This is one of the owl hats I made for one of the kids!
 a plum/grey hat I  made for a customer
 a grey scarf & popcorn cowl (below), both for sale- this yarn is AMAZINGLY soft- oh my word!, it's my favorite yarn!!!!
another lovely hat made for a customer's mom- can't wait for her to receive it!
a Mickey-inspired scarf made for a customer

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Flapper/Cloche hats for Downton Day :)

And in honor of all things Downton-ish since tonight is the opening night for the new season....  :)
I made two 1920's era-ish hats.

This pretty rose & cream beanie with flower.

And this sea blue & grey cloche.  :)  Both hats are $18.  I can make either pattern in other colors as well.  I'm just tickled with how they came out, especially the cloche.  It was my first hat to do more "on my own"- where I took an idea and modified a pattern to make it my own.  For all you Downton fans, enjoy the first night of season 5.   I'm off to write my lesson plans and do all my planning/prep/to-do listing so that I can be ready to crochet, drink tea, and watch/listen myself!

Friday, January 2, 2015

crochet creations- photos

Just some of the things I've crocheted these last few months for family, friends, and strangers.  
 boot cuffs for Julie in Iowa :)

 Vikki bought my very first beanie!!!  :)

 an apple beanie (premie sized for a local hospital)

 a football beanie for a Patriot's fan I know

 the St. Louis Blues' inspired scarf & beanie I made for my hubby :)
Go Blues!

 one of several Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hats I've been asked to make! These are popular!!!

 gorgeous yarn turned into a scarf- this went to a cancer charity with a matching hat

I even managed to make myself a beret to go with my jacket.

 beanies I made and listed on Etsy

made this minion cutie for one of my old first graders

Back To Creating

I took a break from creating the past two years because I was busy, oh so busy, working on a master's degree!  I finished that up this past spring! :)  I've also been working VERY hard on getting healthier and have lost 110 pounds in the last 20 months!

This summer was filled with relaxing with my hubby, fun outdoor adventures in our beautiful state, camping trips, some great fun with our niece, Zoe, new places I've always wanted to see (Monticello & Gettysburg), and learning to crochet (something I've always wanted to do!)

My crocheting is really improving, and I have begun to get requests to make hats, boot cuffs, and other lovelies for folks.  At the encouragement of my sister, a few friends, and my awesome daughter  & god-daughter, I'm going to get back to sharing my creations here, on Facebook & Etsy.  My girls wants to see me step out of my comfort zone and make a go of this.  They are always telling me to open a shop here in G'boro.   

I hope if you visit me here, you will find something you love.  Please leave me a note anytime, let me know what you think, give me suggestions for improvement or ideas for other projects or if I can make something special for you!   I would REALLY love to hear from folks!  

Bekaboo :)