Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Growing & Learning & Something New

Happy 2013! :)  I've been away from "here" for quite a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy creating and learning and doing.  Life has a way of getting crazy busy, and mine certainly is that most days.  Teaching, after school meetings of one kind or another, grad school, family, Donors Choose, an after school club, there is never enough time in the day for everything I am supposed to do.  I'm sure it's the same with you.

So please forgive my absence if you're someone who has visited here.  Here is what I've been up to.
  • working on a master's degree (I will hopefully graduate in May 2014.)
  • learning how to sew & quilt thanks to a couple wonderful cousins!!!
  • running an after school club at my school- Craft Club- it is a lot of fun doing craft projects with kids and teaching them how to make cards and create cool things
  • moving classrooms and grades every school year (ugh!)- now I'm back in kindergarten & I have a really good group of kids this year!
  • being grade level chair and a teacher leader- and trying to not stink at both
  • learning how to create professional looking, high quality learning materials for my students as well as to share & sell with colleagues and the teaching community

This past fall, in an effort to grow myself as a teacher and looking for ways to share but also to help supplement our income, I stepped out of my comfort zone and created a teacher "store" at Teachers Pay Teachers and at Teachers Notebook.  I am working hard to improve myself in this area.  The next step is to share more, so I will be using my blog to share craft things I create as well as teacher things.  I hope you won't mind.  It'll be fun, I promise! :)  

In that spirit, I'm sharing a freebie I posted last night- Where is Sneaky Snowman? 

My kids LOVED LOVED LOVED a similar game I made in November, so I know they're going to be super happy when they come back to school this week to meet the sneaky, sneaky snowman who is hiding in our numbers pocket chart. :)  I hope you can use this with your students or a family member who is learning their numbers. :)  You can find it here, here, or here.

I'm also linking up with this great site that I LOVE!!!  Be sure to visit, especially if you are a teacher, homeschooling parent, or know a young learner.  You'll find some wonderful things to use; I know I do!!!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that the new year brings you much joy and love!

Beka :)

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